Monday, August 29, 2011

Moving Right Along...

The children are doing a great job learning our classroom routines and procedures. I was very proud of ALL of them today! Please check your child's folder everyday for notes and homework. Your child needs to bring his/her folder to school everyday. If you have any questions feel free to email me at I am looking forward to a GREAT school year!

**No school -Sept 5 and Sept 6
**Parent Conferences are Sept 6 from 1pm-7pm. Watch for your confirmed time

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

First Full Week

WOW!! This has been a GREAT week!! We have already learned to read the color words RED, BLUE, YELLOW, GREEN, and PURPLE. We made solar bracelets on Wednesday when we talked about the sun and the color yellow. We have started our first unit in Math and have been sorting all types of things. Our favorite thing to sort was BUTTONS. We have learned that items can be sorted in many ways such as size, colors, shape, etc. We have been counting the children in our classroom every day and we have ten boys and nine girls which equals 19 all together. We have a wonderful group of children in our class this year, and I want to say a special "Thank you" to you, the parents, for being sure your child had all their necessary kindergarten supplies. Remember we start promptly at 7:35a.m., and dismiss at 1:25 pm each day.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Kindergarten Parent's Night

WELCOME!!! We will have an informal "Kindergarten Parent's Night" on Tuesday, August 16 at 6pm in the Library at J.W.Wiseman Elementary. All kindergarten parents please plan to join us. Kindergarten classes will start full time on August 22. Our daily school schedule time is 7:40 a.m.-1:30 p.m.