Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Helpful Homework Sites

Be sure to scroll down this blog to see the "Parent Helps" section. I have links to sites that have ways that parents can help their children at home with reading and math. The children's links also have games and activities that can reinforce skills that we are learning in the classroom. Take the time to explore these sites with your child.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

October Happenings

Oct. 20-School Pictures
Oct. 22-Fall Ball 5PM-7PM
Oct. 24-Report Cards go home
Oct. 28-Fall Party(This is the Halloween Party, we will not have a party on Oct. 31 in our classroom) 12:45-1:15

Monday, October 3, 2011

October Happenings

We had a great visit to the Fire Station today. The children have learned a lot about how to stay safe. Be sure to ask your child what to do in case of a fire. Fall break is scheduled for Oct. 8-17. School pictures will be on Oct. 20.